
  • Klein, N.: Flow shops with reentry: Total completion time optimal schedules. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, 20.-23. October
  • Klein, N.: Flow shops with reentry: Total completion time optimal schedules. 33rd EURO Conference, Copenhagen, 30. June-3. July
  • Klein, N.: Flow shops with reentry: Total completion time optimal schedules. Swiss OR Days, Geneva, 27.-28. June
  • Klein, N.: Flow shops with reentry: Total completion time optimal schedules. 34th Annual POMS Conference, Minneapolis, 25.-29. April
  • Klein, N.: Flow shops with reentry: Total completion time optimal schedules. 19th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, Bern, 2.-5. April
  • Baumann, P.: The MPFCC algorithm: A model-based approach for fair-capacitated clustering. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore, 18.-21. December
  • Klein, N.: Planning electric vehicle charging stations under uncertainty. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore, 18.-21. December
  • Bigler, T.: Locating obnoxious facilities using a mixed-integer programming-based heuristic. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, 15.-18. October
  • Klein, N.: Integer programming for surgery scheduling under uncertainty. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, 15.-18. October
  • Klein, N.: Planning electric vehicle charging stations under uncertainty. Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications (MOPTA), Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 16.-18. August
  • Klein, N.: Integer programming for surgery scheduling under uncertainty. INFORMS Healthcare Conference, Toronto, 26.-28. July
  • Klein, N.: Benders decomposition for locating electric vehicle charging stations under uncertain demand. Swiss OR Days, Lugano, 22.-23. June
  • Klein, N.: Surgery scheduling under uncertainty. 33rd Annual POMS-Conference, Orlando, 21.-25. May
  • Bigler, T.: Model-based approaches for large-scale optimization in business operations. Doctoral Seminar in Business Administration, Bern, 21. February
  • Baumann, P.: FT-KMEANS: A fast algorithm for fault-tolerant facility location. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Kuala Lumpur, 7.-10. December
  • Klein, N.: A new deep reinforcement learning algorithm for the online stochastic profitable tour problem. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Kuala Lumpur, 7.-10. December
  • Baumann, P.: An integer programming-based algorithm for semi-supervised clustering. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, 16.-19. October
  • Bigler, T.: A binary-linear programming-based matheuristic for the obnoxious p-median problem. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, 16.-19. October
  • Klein, N.: A novel mixed-integer linear programming model for the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, 16.-19. October
  • Klein, N.: A mixed-integer linear programming model for a stochastic elective surgery scheduling problem. Poster presented at: INFORMS Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, 16.-19. October
  • Klein, N.: Mixed-integer linear programming based solution methods for a stochastic surgery scheduling problem. International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT), Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 25.-28. July
  • Baumann, P.: An integer optimization-based approach to fair clustering. 32nd European Conference on Operational Research, Espoo, 3.-6. July
  • Bigler, T.: A matheuristic for the obnoxious p-median problem. 32nd European Conference on Operational Research, Espoo, 3.-6. July
  • Klein, N.: A novel continuous-time mixed-integer linear programming model for the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem. 32nd European Conference on Operational Research, Espoo, 3.-6. July
  • Trautmann, N.: Resource-constrained project scheduling with multiple sites: a continuous-time MILP-based approach. 32nd European Conference on Operational Research, Espoo, 3.-6. July
  • Trautmann, N.: Resource-constrained project scheduling with multiple sites: a continuous-time MILP-based approach. CORS/INFORMS International Conference, Vancouver, 5.-8. June
  • Klein, N.: A novel continuous-time mixed-integer linear programming model for the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem. 18th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, Virtual Conference, 6.-7. April
  • Baumann, P.: A k-means algorithm for clustering with soft must-link and cannot-link constraints. International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, Virtual Conference, 3.-5. February
  • Baumann, P.: Minimizing paper waste and setup costs in offset printing. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Virtual Conference, 13.-16. December
  • Trautmann, N.: Project scheduling with production and consumption of resources. AIChE Annual Meeting, Boston, 7.-11. November
  • Baumann, P.: Clustering with weighted must-link and cannot-link constraints. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Anaheim, 24.-27. October
  • Trautmann, N.: A continuous-time linear programming formulation for resource-constrained project scheduling with multiple sites. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Anaheim, 24.-27. October
  • Baumann, P.: A k-means algorithm for clustering with hard and soft must-link and cannot-link constraints. International Conference on Operations Research, Virtual Conference, 31. August-3. September
  • Klein, N.: A branch-and-price algorithm for a delivery network with parcel robots. International Conference on Operations Research, Virtual Conference, 31. August-3. September
  • Bigler, T.: A matheuristic approach for the multi-site resource-constrained project scheduling problem. 31st European Conference on Operational Research, Athens, 11.-14. July
  • Klein, N.: A deep reinforcement learning algorithm for an online stochastic profitable tour problem. 31st European Conference on Operational Research, Athens, 11.-14. July
  • Baumann, P.: Large-scale customer assignment in direct marketing. 31st Annual POMS Conference, Virtual Conference, 30. April-5. May
  • Bigler, T.: A novel matheuristic for the multi-site resource-constrained project scheduling problem. 17th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, Toulouse, 21-23. April
  • Gnägi, M.: A continuous-time model for the multi-site resource-constrained project scheduling problem. 17th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, Toulouse, 21.-23. April
  • Baumann, P.: A binary linear programming-based k-means algorithm for clustering with must-link and cannot-link constraints. IEEM International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Virtual Conference, 14.-17. December
  • Schöni, C.: An order-first split-second approach to a novel variant of the cardinality-constrained covering traveling salesperson problem. IEEM International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Virtual Conference, 14.-17. December
  • Gnägi, M.: Models and matheuristics for large-scale combinatorial optimization problems. Doctoral seminar in Business Administration, Bern, 22. June
  • Baumann, P.: A binary linear programming-based K-means approach for the capacitated centered clustering problem. IEEM International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Macau, 15.-18. December
  • Bigler, T.: Optimizing customer assignments to direct marketing activities: A binary linear programming formulation. IEEM International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Macau, 15.-18. December
  • Trautmann, N.: A continuous-time mixed-binary linear programming formulation for the multi-site resource-constrained project scheduling problem. IEEM International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Macau, 15.-18. December
  • Trautmann, N.: A lazy-constraints approach to resource-constrained project scheduling. IEEM International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Macau, 15.-18. December
  • Trautmann, N.: An order-first split-second approach to an application of the multiple traveling salesman problem. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, 20.-23. October
  • Gnägi, M.: A matheuristic for large-scale capacitated clustering. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, 20.-23. October
  • Gnägi, M.: A novel continuous-time mixed-binary linear programming formulation for the multi-site resource-constrained project scheduling problem. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, 20.-23. October
  • Strub, O.: A matheuristic to build linear regression models for binary classification. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, 20.-23. October
  • Bigler, T.: A binary linear programming model for assigning customers to direct marketing activities of a telecommunications provider. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) Conference, Singapore, 30. June-2. July
  • Trautmann, N.: An MILP formulation for the multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem MRCPSP. 30th European Conference on Operational Research, Dublin, 23.-26. June
  • Baumann, P.: Comparing two new combinatorial optimization algorithms to leading machine learning techniques. 30th European Conference on Operational Research, Dublin, 23.-26. June
  • Strub, O.: A matheuristic approach to building linear regression models. 17th Swiss Operations Research Days, Lausanne, 6.-7. June
  • Baumann, P.: Comparing two new combinatorial optimization algorithms for binary classification to leading machine learning techniques. Colloquia of the Department of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Sciences of the University of Bern, 17. May
  • Trautmann, N.: An MILP formulation for the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem MRCPSP. 30th Annual POMS Conference, Washington D.C., 2.-6. May
  • Baumann, P.: Optimal customer selection for direct marketing campaigns. 30th Annual POMS Conference, Washington D.C., 2.-6. May
  • Baumann, P.: A matheuristic for a real-world variant of the multiple traveling salesman problem. IEEM International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2018, Bangkok, 16.-19. December
  • Gnägi, M.: A continuous-time MILP formulation for the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem. IEEM International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2018, Bangkok, 16.-19. December
  • Strub, O.: A Local-branching heuristic for the best subset selection problem in linear regression. IEEM International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2018, Bangkok, 16.-19. December
  • Trautmann, N.: A continuous-time unit-based MILP formulation for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem. IEEM International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2018, Bangkok, 16.-19. December
  • Baumann, P.: Scaling up similarity-based machine learning models: New geometric algorithms for sparse computation. 29th European Conference on Operational Research, Valencia, 8.-11. July 
  • Trautmann, N.: A novel continuous-time assignment-based MILP formulation for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem RCPSP. 29th Annual POMS Conference, Houston, 4.-7. May
  • Baumann, P.: A matheuristic for a multi-period home care routing and scheduling problem. 29th Annual POMS Conference, Houston, 4.-7. May
  • Strub, O.: A matheuristic for the best subset selection problem in linear regression. 29th Annual POMS Conference, Houston, 4.-7. May
  • Trautmann, N.: A continuous-time assignment-based MILP formulation for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem. 16th International Conference on Project Management and Scheduling, Rome, 17.-20. April 
  • Baumann, P.: Optimal staff assignment and routing in personalized home care. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2017, Singapore, 10.-13. December
  • Trautmann, N.: An assignment-based continuous-time MILP model for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2017, Singapore, 10.-13. December
  • Strub, O.: A new MILP formulation for rebalancing enhanced index-tracking portfolios. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2017, Singapore, 10.-13. December
  • Gnägi, M.: Large-scale clustering using mathematical programming. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2017, Singapore, 10.-13. December
  • Trautmann, N.: A Mixed-integer linear programming formulation of the RCPSP based on explicit assignment and sequencing decisions. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2017, Houston, 22.-25. October
  • Strub, O.: A Hybrid approach to the 1/n portfolio tracking problem. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2017, Houston, 22.-25. October
  • Trautmann, N.: A novel mixed-integer linear programming formulation for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem. OR 2017 International Conference on Operations Research, Berlin, 6.-8. September 
  • Rihm, T.: Minimizing operational costs of assessment centers. International Symposium on Scheduling 2017, Nagoya, 23.-25. June
  • Trautmann, N.: An assignment- and sequencing-based mixed-integer linear programming formulation for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem. International Symposium on Scheduling 2017, Nagoya, 23.-25. June
  • Baumann, P.: Scaling up data mining techniques. 15th Swiss Operations Research Days, Fribourg, 29.-30. June
  • Rihm, T.: A mathematical programming approach for computing the pathwidth of graphs. 15th Swiss Operations Research Days, Fribourg, 29.-30. June
  • Strub, O.: A genetic algorithm to construct index-tracking portfolios subject to the UCITS III concentration rule. 15th Swiss Operations Research Days, Fribourg, 29.-30. June
  • Gnägi, M.: Tracking large stock-market indices. 16th Swiss Operations Research Days, Bern, 12.-13. June
  • Strub, O.: A genetic algorithm for the UCITS-constrained index-tracking problem. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, San Sebastián, 5.-8. June
  • Trautmann, N.: An RCPSP-based heuristic for the short-term planning of assessment centers. 28th Annual POMS Conference, Seattle, 5.-8. May
  • Baumann, P.: Segmentation of medical images using mathematical programming. 28th Annual POMS Conference, Seattle, 5.-8. May
  • Rihm, T.: A greedy heuristic for artisan ice cream production scheduling. 28th Annual POMS Conference, Seattle, 5.-8. May
  • Trautmann, N.: An implementation of the parallel schedule-generation scheme for applying Microsoft Excel’s evolutionary solver to the resource-constrained project scheduling problem RCPSP. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Bali, 4.-7. December
  • Zimmermann, A.: An MIP-based heuristic for scheduling projects with work-content constraints. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Bali, 4.-7. December
  • Strub, O.: An application of Microsoft Excel’s evolutionary solver based on a novel chromosome encoding scheme to the 1/N portfolio tracking problem. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Bali, 4.-7. December
  • Baumann, P.: Sparse-reduced computation for large-scale spectral clustering. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Bali, 4.-7. December
  • Trautmann, N.: Microsoft Excel evolutionary solver and resource constrained project scheduling. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, 13.-16. November
  • Rihm, T.: Facets and valid inequalities for the pathwidth problem. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, 13.-16. November
  • Strub, O.: Optimal construction and rebalancing of index-tracking portfolios. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, 13.-16. November
  • Zimmermann, A.: An MIP-based heuristic for scheduling projects with work-content constraints. 14th Swiss Operations Research Days, Lugano, 8.-9. September
  • Rihm, T.: Operational planning of assessment centers: Matheuristic and performance analysis. 14th Swiss Operations Research Days, Lugano, 8.-9. September
  • Trautmann, N.: An application of Microsoft Excel’s Evolutionary Solver to the RCPSP. International Conference on Operations Research, Hamburg, 30. August - 2. September
  • Trautmann, N.: A hybrid approach for tracking the 1/N portfolio. 5th International Conference on Continuous Optimization, Tokyo, 6.-11. August
  • Rihm, T: A matheuristic for short-term planning of assessment centers. 28th European Conference on Operational Research, Poznan, 3.-6. July
  • Strub, O.: A hybrid approach combining iterated greedy heuristics and quadratic programming to track the 1/N portfolio. 28th European Conference on Operational Research, Poznan, 3.-6. July
  • Trautmann, N.: Resource-constrained project scheduling using Microsoft Excel's evolutionary solver. 27th Annual POMS Conference, Orlando, 6.-9. May
  • Rihm, T.: Planning assessment centers: An MIP-based decomposition heuristic. 27th Annual POMS Conference, Orlando, 6.-9. May
  • Trautmann, N.: Microsoft Excel’s evolutionary solver and the resource-constrained project scheduling problem RCPSP: Solution approach and performance analysis. 15th International Conference on Project Management and Scheduling, Valencia, 19.-22. April
  • Rihm, T.: A decomposition heuristic for an assessment center planning problem. 15th International Conference on Project Management and Scheduling, Valencia, 19.-22. April
  • Baumann, P.: Sparse-reduced computation: enabling mining of massively-large data sets. 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, Rome, 24.-26. February
  • Strub, O.: An iterated greedy heuristic for the 1/N portfolio tracking problem. 5th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, Rome, 23.-25. February

  • Strub, O.: Index tracking using data-mining techniques and mixed-binary linear programming. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore, 6.-9. December
  • Baumann, P.: Efficient deployment of mobile detectors for security applications. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore, 6.-9. December
  • Rihm, T.: Improving fairness in staff assignment: An approach for lexicographic goal programming. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore, 6.-9. December
  • Trautmann, N.: On an application of Microsoft Excel’s evolutionary solver to the resource-constrained project scheduling problem RCPSP. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore, 6.-9. December
  • Rihm, T.: An MILP-based heuristic for staff scheduling problems with acceptance levels. International Conference on Operations Research, Vienna, 1.-4. September
  • Strub, O.: Tracking the 1/N portfolio. International Conference on Operations Research, Vienna, 1.-4. September
  • Zimmermann, A.: Efficient list-generation techniques for scheduling assessment centers. International Conference on Operations Research, Vienna, 1.-4. September
  • Rihm, T.: A lexicographic goal programming approach for staff assignment with acceptance levels. Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications, Prague, 25.-28. August
  • Zimmermann, A.: A list-scheduling approach for the planning of assessment centers. Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications, Prague, 25.-28. August
  • Baumann, P.: Using combinatorial optimization for large-scale data mining. The 8th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Beijing, 10.-14. August
  • Trautmann, N.: MILP formulations for order splitting on a multi-slot machine in the printing industry. International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Beijing, 10.-14. August
  • Baumann, P.: Similarity-based machine learning in large-scale data sets. 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Pittsburgh, 12.-17. July
  • Baumann, P.: A hybrid goal programming approach for staff assignment. CORS/INFORMS 2015 Joint International Meeting, Montreal, 14.-17. June
  • Trautmann, N.: Optimal order splitting on a multi-slot machine in the printing industry. CORS/INFORMS 2015 Joint International Meeting, Montreal, 14.-17. June
  • Trautmann, N.: Order splitting on a multi-slot machine in the printing industry. 12th International Conference on Computational Management Science, Prague, 27.-29. May
  • Strub, O.: Index tracking using unsupervised learning and mixed-binary convex programming. 12th International Conference on Computational Management Science, Prague, 27.-29. May
  • Zimmermann, A.: A heuristic approach for scheduling assessment centers. 13th Swiss Operations Research Days, Zurich, 7.-8. May
  • Rihm, T.: An integer goal programming approach for a real-world employee scheduling problem. Programme Doctoral en Recherche Opérationnelle, Zinal, 11.-15. January
  • Baumann, P.; Trautmann, N.: Efficient symmetry-breaking formulations for grouping customer orders in a printing shop. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Malaysia, 9.-12. December
  • Baumann, P.: A computational comparison of machine learning methods and the supervised normalized cut. INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 9.-12. November
  • Forrer, S.: Optimal order splitting on a multi-slot machine in the printing industry. INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 9.-12. November
  • Strub, O.: Construction of index-tracking portfolios using data mining and linear programming. INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 9.-12. November
  • Rihm, T.: An MILP-based heuristic for the capital-constrained net present value problem. International Conference on Operations Research 2014, Aachen, 2.-5. September
  • Baumann, P.: Efficient symmetry-breaking formulations for grouping customer orders in a printing shop. Programme Doctoral en Recherche Opérationelle, Zinal, 31 August - 3. September
  • Baumann, P.: Sparse computation for large-scale binary classification. 20th IFORS Conference, Barcelona, 13.-18. July
  • Trautmann, N.: Project scheduling with work-content-constraints. 25th Annual POMS Conference, Atlanta, 9.-12. May
  • Baumann, P.: Efficient binary classification of large data sets. 25th Annual POMS Conference, Atlanta, 9.-12. May
  • Rihm, T.: A MIP-based decomposition heuristic for resource-constrained project scheduling. 14th International Conference on Project Management and Scheduling, München, 30. March - 02. April
  • Baumann, P.: A MILP formulation for scheduling of work-content-constrained projects. 14th International Conference on Project Management and Scheduling, München, 30. March - 02. April
  • Zimmermann, A.: Scheduling of assessment centers: an application of resource-constrained project scheduling. 14th International Conference on Project Management and Scheduling, München, 30. March - 02. April
  • Trautmann, N.: An application of combinatorial optimization in the printing industry. Industrial Engineering & Operations Research Colloquium, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, 30. January
  • Baumann, P.: Portfolio-optimization models for small investors. Center for Risk Management Research Seminar, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, 28. January
  • Zimmermann, A.: Operational planning of assessment centers. Programme Doctoral en Recherche Opérationelle, Zinal, 12.-16. January
  • Baumann, P.; Trautmann, N.: Optimal scheduling of work-content-constrained projects. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Bangkok, 10.–12. December
  • Trautmann, N.: Perspectives, experience and visions of academic-industry collaboration in operations research. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Bangkok, 10.–12. December
  • Trautmann, N.: An MILP formulation for work-content defined project scheduling. 43rd International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Hong Kong, 16.-18. October
  • Baumann, P.: User influence on resource allocation with project management software. 43rd International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Hong Kong, 16.-18. October
  • Zimmermann, A.: An MBLP model for scheduling assessment centers. International Conference Operations Research 2013, Rotterdam, 3.-6. September
  • Trautmann, N.: Resource allocation for a make-to-order production process in the printing industry. International Conference Operations Research 2013, Rotterdam, 3.-6. September
  • Baumann, P.: Short-term scheduling of make-and-pack production processes: a hybrid method for large-scale instances. 26th European Conference on Operational Research, Rome, 1.-4. July
  • Trautmann, N.: Planning of a batch production process in the printing industry. 26th European Conference on Operational Research, Rome, 1.-4. July
  • Baumann, P.: Planning of a make-to-order printing process: MBLP formulation and matching-based savings heuristic. 55th CORS Annual Conference, Vancouver, 27.-29. May
  • Trautmann, N.: A hybrid approach to large-scale scheduling of make-and-pack production processes. 55th CORS Annual Conference, Vancouver, 27.-29. May
  • Baumann, P.: A hybrid heuristic for operations scheduling of make-and-pack production processes. 24th Annual POMS Conference, Denver, 3.-6. May
  • Trautmann, N.: Planning of a continuous production process in the printing industry. 24th Annual POMS Conference, Denver, 3.-6. May
  • Trautmann, N.: An integer-programming approach to benefit-maximal selection and scheduling of resource-constrained projects. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Hong Kong, 10.-13. December
  • Baumann, P.: Operations scheduling in make-and-pack production: schedule construction and GA-based priority-rule generation procedures. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Hong Kong, 10.-13. December
  • Baumann, P.: Planning of a continuous production process in the printing industry. Workshop on large-scale optimization, Vevey, 21.-22. November
  • Trautmann, N.: A hybrid approach to large-scale short-term scheduling in make-and-pack production. 10th seminar on scheduling computer and manufacturing processes, Frejus, 21.-27. October
  • Baumann, P.: A hybrid approach to large-scale short-term scheduling in make-and-pack production. 4th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain, Québec, 26.-29. August
  • Trautmann, N.: An application of combinatorial optimization in the printing industry. International Colloquium on Graphs and Optimization 2012, Leukerbad, 13.-17. August
  • Baumann, P.: A hybrid approach to large-scale short-term scheduling in make-and-pack production. Operational Research Peripatetic Postgraduate Program, Linz, 16.-20. July
  • Baumann, P.: Planning of a continuous production process in the printing industry. 25th European Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, 8.-11. July
  • Trautmann, N.: Heuristic decomposition and LP-based scheduling in make-and-pack production. 25th European Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, 8.-11. July
  • Baumann, P.: A priority-rule based genetic algorithm for large-scale short-term scheduling in make-and-pack production. 10th Joint Operations Research Days, Neuchâtel, 28.-29. Juni
  • Trautmann, N.: Applying the evolutionary solver of Microsoft Excel to scheduling problems. INFORMS International Conference, Beijing, 24.-27. Juni
  • Baumann, P.: A hybrid approach to large-scale short-term scheduling in make-and-pack production. INFORMS International Conference, Beijing, 24.-27. Juni
  • Trautmann, N.: A serial scheme for resource-constrained scheduling within Microsoft Project 2010. 23rd Annual POMS Conference, Chicago, 20.-23. April
  • Baumann, P.: Large-scale short-term scheduling in make-and-pack production: case study and GA-based approach. 23rd Annual POMS Conference, Chicago, 20.-23. April
  • Brandinu, G.: Sequential selection and heuristic scheduling of multiple resource-constrained projects. 13th International Conference on Project Management and Scheduling, Leuven (BE), 1.-4. April
  • Baumann, P.: Heuristic decomposition and LP-based scheduling in make-and-pack production. Programme doctoral en recherche opérationnelle, Zinal, 15.-19. Januar
  • Trautmann, N.: A serial scheme for minimizing the duration of resource-constrained projects within Microsoft Project. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore, 6.-9. Dezember
  • Baumann, P.: Heuristic decomposition and LP-based scheduling in make-and-pack production. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore, 6.-9. Dezember
  • Trautmann, N.: Scheduling in service systems: an application in the event-tourism industry. 41th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Los Angeles, 23.-25. Oktober
  • Baumann, P.: A continuous-time MILP-approach to short-term scheduling of make-and-pack production processes. Operations Research 2011, Zuerich, 31. August - 2. September
  • Brandinu, G.: A scheduling application in the event-tourism industry: MILP model and experimental performance analysis. Operations Research 2011, Zuerich, 31. August - 2. September
  • Trautmann, N.: Portfolio selection models for small investors. Operations Research 2011, Zuerich, 31. August - 2. September
  • Baumann, P.: Minimizing changeover times of a make-and-pack production process: model and case study. Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling : Theory and Applications, Phoenix, 9.-12. August
  • Brandinu, G.: An MILP-approach to the optimization of event-bus schedules: a scheduling application in the tourism sector. Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling : Theory and Applications, Phoenix, 9.-12. August
  • Trautmann, N.: Decomposition approaches for multi-stage multi-product batch-production scheduling: a refined batching model. Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling : Theory and Applications, Phoenix, 9.-12. August
  • Baumann, P.: Portfolio-selection models for small investors. 19th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Melbourne, 10.-15. Juli
  • Brandinu, G.: Optimization of bus schedules in event tourism using mixed-integer linear programming. 19th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Melbourne, 10.-15. Juli
  • Trautmann, N.: A heuristic procedure for resource-constrained project scheduling within Microsoft Project. 19th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Melbourne, 10.-15. Juli
  • Baumann, P.: A continuous-time MILP to compute schedules with minimum changeover times for a make-and-pack production. 21st European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Chalkidiki, 29. Mai - 1. Juni
  • Trautmann, N.: Batch sizing in multi-stage, multi-product batch production systems. 21st European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Chalkidiki, 29. Mai - 1. Juni
  • Baumann, P.: A continuous-time MILP approach to short-term scheduling of an industrial make-and-pack production process. Ninth Joint Operations Research Days, Bern, 12.-13. Mai
  • Brandinu, G.: A two-step heuristic procedure for resource-constrained project scheduling within microsoft project. Ninth Joint Operations Research Days, Bern, 12.-13. Mai
  • Trautmann, N.: An iterative backward/forward technique for the scheduling of resource-constrained projects within Microsoft Project. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Macau, 7.-10. Dezember
  • Baumann, P.: An MILP approach to short-term scheduling of an industrial make-and-pack production facility with batch splitting and quality release times. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Macau, 7.-10. Dezember
  • Brandinu, G.: Scheduling event-bus tours. Eighth Joint Operations Research Days, 9.-10. September
  • Baumann, P.: Portfolio-selection models for small investors. Eighth Joint Operations Research Days, 9.-10. September
  • Trautmann, N.: A bidirectional schedule-improvement procedure for Microsoft Project. 40th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Awaji (JPN), 25.-28. Juli
  • Trautmann, N.: Heuristic improvement of Microsoft Project's resource-allocation capabilities. EURO XXIV Conference on Operational Research, Lissabon (P), 11.-14. Juli
  • Trautmann, N.: An iterative forward/backward scheduling method to improve resource allocation in Microsoft Project. ALIO-INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Buenos Aires (ARG), 5.-9. Juni
  • Baumann, P.; Trautmann, N.: An implementation of the iterative forward/backward scheduling technique in Microsoft Project. 12th International Conference on Project Management and Scheduling, Tours (FR), 26.-28. April
  • Trautmann, N.: Resource-constrained scheduling of a real project from the construction industry: a comparison of software packages for project management. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Hong Kong (HK), 8.-11. Dezember
  • Trautmann, N.: Resource-allocation capabilities of software packages for project management. Sitzung der Arbeitsgruppe Projektmanagement und -scheduling der GOR, infineon AG (D), 13. November
  • Trautmann, N.: Resource-allocation capabilities of commercial project management software: an experimental analysis. 39th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Troyes (F), 5.-8. Juli
  • Trautmann, N.: Ablaufplanung von Eventmarketing-Veranstaltungen in der Automobilindustrie am Beispiel der Werksabholung von Neuwagen. Wintertagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Operations Research des Vereins der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Ingolstadt (D), 23.-24. Januar
  • Trautmann, N.: Sequential batching and scheduling of multi-stage multi-product batch plants. Gemeinsame Sitzung der GOR-Arbeitsgruppen Praxis der Mathematischen Optimierung und Supply Chain Management, Rhöndorf (D), 20.-21. November
  • Trautmann, N.: Batching and scheduling of multi-stage multi-product batch plants in the chemical industry: a sequential approach. Optimization and Applications Seminar, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (CH), 22. September
  • Trautmann, N.: Resource allocation capabilities of commercial software packages for project management: an experimental performance analysis. Sixth Joint Operations Research Days, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH), 11.-12. September
  • Trautmann, N.: Project scheduling with precedence constraints and scarce resources: an experimental analysis of commercial project management software. International Conference Operations Research 2008, Augsburg (D), 3.-5. September
  • Trautmann, N.: A decomposition approach to short-term scheduling of multi-purpose batch plants. World Conference on Production and Operations Management, Tokyo (JPN), 5.-8. August
  • Trautmann, N.: A decomposition approach to short-term scheduling of multi-purpose batch processes. European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Lyon (F), 1.-4. Juni
  • Trautmann, N.: A MIP/RCPSP decomposition approach to short-term planning in chemical batch production with non-identical parallel processing units. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore (SGP), 2.-5. Dezember
  • Trautmann, N.: A cyclic approach to large-scale short-term planning in chemical batch production. Colloque d'informatique, Université de Fribourg (CH), 7. November
  • Trautmann, N.: Virtual Campus-Kleinprojekt "eQM: Quantitative Methoden der Datenanalyse". e-Learning Kolloquium, Universität Bern (CH), 29. Oktober
  • Trautmann, N.: A two-level approach for short-term planning of batch production on multi-purpose plants in the chemical industry. Transport and mobility laboratory seminar, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH), 26. September
  • Trautmann, N.: Combining planning and scheduling of multipurpose batch plants. International Conference Operations Research 2007, Saarbrücken (D), 5.-7. September
  • Trautmann, N.: Large-scale short-term planning in chemical batch production. 3rd Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Application. Paris (F), 28.-31. August
  • Trautmann, N.: Planning and scheduling of make-and-pack plants: 1. problem and industrial examples. EURO XXII Conference on Operational Research, Prag (CZ), 8.-11. Juli
  • Trautmann, N.: Eine Anwendung der Projektplanung im Event-Marketing. Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Technische Universität Clausthal (D), 20. März
  • Trautmann, N.: Belegungsplanung einer Make&Pack-Anlage mit kontinuierlicher Prozessführung: Problemstellung und Fallstudie. Supply Network and Logistics Management, St. Leon-Rot (D), 2.-3. Februar
  • Trautmann, N.: Supply chain management and advanced planning in the process industries. International Conference Operations Research 2006, Karlsruhe (D), 6.-8. September
  • Trautmann, N.: Planning and scheduling of multipurpose continuous plants. European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering/International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen (D), 9.-13. Juli
  • Trautmann, N.: Priority-rule based scheduling of chemical batch processes. European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering/International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen (D), 9.-13. Juli
  • Trautmann, N.: Scheduling of make and pack plants: a case study. European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering/International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen (D), 9.-13. Juli
  • Trautmann, N.: A cyclic approach to large-scale short-term planning of multipurpose batch plants. EURO XXI Conference on Operational Research, Reykjavik (IS), 2.-5. Juli
  • Trautmann, N.: A heuristic method for large-scale batch scheduling in the process industries. International Conference Operations Research 2005, Bremen (D), 7.-9. September
  • Trautmann, N.: A MINLP/RCPSP decomposition approach for the short-term planning of batch production. European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Barcelona (E), 29. Mai - 1. Juni
  • Trautmann, N.: Belegungsplanung einer Make&Pack-Anlage: eine Fallstudie aus der Konsumgüterindustrie. GOR-Tagung "Entscheidungsunterstützende Systeme in Supply Chain Management und Logistik", Universität Paderborn (D), 22.-23. April
  • Trautmann, N.: Production scheduling in metal casting industry: a case study. Universitat de Valencia (E), 11. Februar
  • Trautmann, N.: Scheduling of batch production in the process industries. Universitat de Valencia (E), 10. Februar
  • Trautmann, N.: Operative Planung bei Chargenproduktion. Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Technische Universität Clausthal (D), 3. Dezember
  • Trautmann, N.: Scheduling event-marketing activities in automotive industry: case study. International Conference Operational Research 2004, Tilburg (NL), 1.–3. September
  • Trautmann, N.: Scheduling the factory pick-up of new cars. EURO XX Conference on Operational Research, Rhodos (GR), 4.–7. Juli
  • Trautmann, N.: Batch scheduling in the process industries. ILOG S.A., Paris (F), 7. Mai
  • Trautmann, N.: A two–stage approach for batch production scheduling in the process industries. 9th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, Nancy (F), 26.–28. April
  • Trautmann, N.: A priority–rule based method for batch production scheduling in the process industries. Operations Research 2003, University of Heidelberg (D), 3.–5. September
  • Trautmann, N.: Project scheduling with storage constraints: a priority–rule method. EURO/INFORMS Joint International Conference 2003, Istanbul (TR), 6.–10. Juli
  • Trautmann, N.: Resource allocation with standard software for project management. International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering IKM 2003, Weimar (D), 10.–12. Juni
  • Trautmann, N.: Project scheduling with changeover times: schedule feasibility and network flows. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Production Management IEPM 2003, Porto (P), 26.–28. Mai
  • Trautmann, N.: Fallstudien zur Anlagenbelegungsplanung. Workshop Produktionsplanung in der Prozessindustrie, TU Berlin (D), 9. April
  • Trautmann, N.: Scheduling und Ressourcenallokation: Von der Projektplanung zum Detailed Scheduling in SAP APO. SAP AG, Walldorf (D), 21. Oktober
  • Trautmann, N.: Scheduling of rolling ingots production. Operations Research 2002, Universität Klagenfurt (A), 1.–5. September
  • Trautmann, N.: Relaxed scheduling with SAP APO — Industrial context and modelling. The 16th conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Edinburgh (GB), 8.–12. Juli
  • Trautmann, N.: Storage problems in process scheduling. 18th International Confer-ence on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future, Porto (P), 3.–5. Juli
  • Trautmann, N.: Project scheduling with sequence–dependent changeover times: Model and applications. XV Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimisation, Lugano, 30. Mai–1. Juni
  • Trautmann, N.: Storage problems in process industries. 8th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, Valencia (E), 2.–5. April
  • Trautmann, N.: Scheduling der Walzbarrenproduktion im Rheinwerk (VAW AG) mit SAP APO. Colloquium APO in der Prozessindustrie, SAP AG, Walldorf (D), 25. Februar
  • Trautmann, N.: Scheduling und Resourcenallokation. SAP AG, Walldorf (D), 18. Oktober
  • Trautmann, N.: Scheduling continuous and discontinuous material flows with intermediate storage restrictions — model and applications. SAP AG, Walldorf (D), 11. Oktober
  • Trautmann, N.: On storage problems in process scheduling. Symposium Operations Research 2001, Universität Duisburg (D), 3.–5. September
  • Trautmann, N.: mySCM: e-Teachware for supply chain management. Symposium on Operations Research 2001, Universität Duisburg (D), 3.–5. September
  • Trautmann, N.: Anlagenbelegungsplanung in der Prozessindustrie. Vortrag anläßlich der Auszeichnung mit dem Dissertationspreis der GOR, Symposium on Operations Research 2001, Universität Duisburg (D), 3.–5. September
  • Trautmann, N.: Components of advanced planning systems for process industries. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Québec City (CDN), 20.–23. August
  • Trautmann, N.: Advanced planning systems: models and methods for production planning and detailed scheduling. 16th International Conference on Production Research, Prag (CZ), 1. August
  • Trautmann, N.: myPOM — Internetbasierte Teachware zum Produktions- und Operations-Management. Workshop Virtual Operations Research / Management Science, Universität Hohenheim (D), 23. Juli
  • Trautmann, N.: Entwurf eines Relaxationsansatzes zur Belegungsplanung einer chargenweise fertigenden Mehrproduktanlage. Workshop Methoden der Prozess- und Betriebsleittechnik, BASF AG, Ludwigshafen (D), 18. Juli
  • Trautmann, N.: Batch scheduling in process industries — solution approaches. 17th International Conference on CAD, CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future, Durban (ZA), 10.–12. Juli
  • Trautmann, N.: Anlagenbelegungsplanung in der Prozessindustrie — eine Alternative zum Simulationsansatz. Sitzung der Arbeitsgruppe Produktionsplanung und -steuerung der GOR, TU Hamburg-Harburg (D), 22. Juni
  • Trautmann, N.: A batch scheduling problem arising from chemical production planning. XIV Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimisation, Bonn (D), 31. Mai–2. Juni
  • Trautmann, N.: Planung von kontinuierlichen und diskontinuierlichen Prozessen in der chemischen Industrie — Problemstellung. Sitzung der Arbeitsgruppe Projektmanagement der GOR, BASF AG, Ludwigshafen (D), 17. Mai
  • Trautmann, N.: Belegungsplanung chargenweise produzierender Mehrzweckanlagen der Prozessindustrie. 10. DFG–Workshop über Projektplanung bei beschränkten Ressourcen, Berlin (D), 1.–4. April
  • Trautmann, N.: Web-based teachware for production and operations management. Finalrunde European Academic Software Award 2000, Rotterdam (NL), 26. November
  • Trautmann, N.: Ein Dekompositionsansatz zur Anlagenbelegungsplanung: Batching. Mathematisches Forum, BASF AG, Ludwigshafen (D), 9. November
  • Trautmann, N.: Bestandsmanagement im Detailed Scheduling - Problemstellung. Sitzung der Arbeitsgruppe Lagerhaltung der GOR bei der KPMG Unternehmensberatung, Leipzig (D), 24. Oktober
  • Trautmann, N.: Ein Relaxationsverfahren für das Detailed Scheduling. SAP AG, Walldorf (D), 12. September
  • Trautmann, N.: Calendars in project scheduling. Symposium on Operations Research, Technische Universität Dresden (D), 10.–12. September
  • Trautmann, N.: Internet-basierte Lehrsoftware für Verfahren zum Produktions- und Operations-Management. 15. Südwest-Workshop über Operations Research in Produktion und Logistik, Universität Karlsruhe (D), 7. Juli
  • Trautmann, N.: Batch scheduling in process industries — an application of project scheduling. 7th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, Osnabrück (D), 17.–19. April
  • Trautmann, N.: Projektplanungsmodelle und -methoden zur Produktionsplanung in der Prozessindustrie. Sitzung der Arbeitsgruppe Projektmanagement und Projektplanung der GOR, Aventis SA, Frankfurt (D), 7. April
  • Trautmann, N.: Operations management in process industries. Sitzung der Arbeitsgruppe Produktionsplanung und -steuerung der GOR, SAP AG, Walldorf (D), 21. Januar
  • Trautmann, N.: Reaktives Scheduling: Grundlagen und Methoden. SAP AG, Walldorf (D), 13. Dezember
  • Trautmann, N.: Lösung eines Batch-Scheduling-Problems der chemischen Industrie. Bayer AG, Leverkusen (D), 12. November
  • Trautmann, N.: Process Flow Scheduling als ressourcenbeschränktes Projektplanungsproblem. Symposium Operations Research 1999, Magdeburg (D), 1.–3. September
  • Trautmann, N.: Optimierungsprobleme der Ablaufplanung in der Prozessindustrie. Höchst AG, Frankfurt (D), 19. April
  • Trautmann, N.: Adaptive Planung in der Prozessindustrie. SAP AG, Walldorf (D), 14. April
  • Trautmann, N.: Anlagenbelegungsplanung in der Prozessindustrie mit Modellen und Methoden der ressourcenbeschränkten Projektplanung. 6. DFG-Workshop über Projektplanung bei beschränkten Ressourcen, Pfalzakademie Lambrecht (D), 1.–3. März
  • Trautmann, N.: Process Flow Scheduling als Anwendung der ressourcen- beschränkten Projektplanung. 13. Südwest-Workshop über Operations Research in Produktion und Logistik, Universität Karlsruhe (D), 22. Januar